The Canadian Trip
Our trip to Canada has began.
Yesterday the girls stayied at Guida where i am sure they will have a great time. The cats have food and water for 2 months according to Paula, but Guida is going to check them everyother day :)
The first adventure already happened @ the Lisbon airport.
Isabela was almost staying behind, forgot the ID at home and the passport does not have the parentage.... She had to answer several questions to confirm she was our daughter :) The first adventure :)
We are taking many bags but they are only half full, I need space to bring all the fantastic grooming things i am going to get :)
You guys have a great time up there!
Let us know the rest of your adventures and knowing you, they would most likely be very hilarious :-)
Enjoy your trip.
Boa viagem...aproveitem e divirtam-se!
Que maravilha! Aproveitem muito!
I hope the rest of the journey goes without a hitch. Looking forward to your visit!
Isabela, foste parva. Dizias aos senhores da Alfandega que não sabias muito bem quem eram aqueles senhores que insistiam ser teus pais e passavas umas brutas de umas férias sozinha em casa.Enfin,Rui tu tambem não sejas parvo e faz te á vida(e mais não digo).Mas sobretudo divirtam se e tragam souvernirs para os pobrezinhos dos Suissinhos.bEIJOS!
Não sei muito bem porquê, mas, neste momento, depois de ver as fotos, não estão exactamente no topo da minha lista de preferências em termos de amizade.... GRRRRRRR........
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