domingo, junho 24, 2007

More Pic II - Croacia

European Dog Show - ZAGREB CROACIA

We decided to go to the European Dog show in Zagreb.

It was a really interestuing journey. We went with more friends and on our car there were 9 dogs and 4 people.

Denyah got CAC-HR and CACIB and got the Croacian Champion title and European Winer. Ahzir got CAC-HR and RCACIB. Bunny wnet just for fun.

Were are some pic

More Pic II

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BSD Portuguese Special

The 8th Portuguese Belgian Sheperherd Special took place last 3th of June and the Casa Mont'Alves dogs got excellent results.

Denyah was BIS
Backo Bugatti Junior da Casa Mont'Alves was 2nd Best Puppy in show
Bunny i Love you da Casa Mont'Alves got best female laekenois
Ahzir Born to the Show da Casa Mont'Alves got CAC- QC and BOS
Aucuri Agility Speed da Casa Mont'Alves got CAC-QC

On top of this all the dogs got the chance to do some herding instinct test and all the laekens did very well.

Here are some pic

Denyah 3 Show 3 placements at the group

Denyah has been having quite a sucess at the shows. In 3 shows on a row she got 1 2nd place in group and 2 3rd places in the group. The best think of all was that the 2nd place was achieved by denyah and my daughter Isabela. Isabela staied alone at the show and showed denyah ALONE, i had to leave the show and Isabela got this great result. The shows were

Costa Azul, Moita and Almeirim

Thank you DARLING

Bunny and Backo First Show

A Bunny e o Backo foram á primeira exposição, ambos em Classe cachorros.

Obtiveram um muito bom tendo a Bunny ganhou o melhor cachorro Lakenois, mas como se não fosse já muito bom a Bunny ganhou o prémio de melhor cachorro do primeiro grupo.

Aqui estão as fotos

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