sábado, dezembro 13, 2008

Quila BIS at the Collie Club Specialty

The sheltie in Portugal does not have it's own club. The breed is included in two clubs, the collie club and the british shepherds club. Each club has the right to organize the national specialty every other year.

This year it was the Collie Club's turn and the breeds present were the border collie, the bearded collie, the rough collie and the shelite.
Green Paradise You're my Boyfriend was placed first in junior class, Green Paradise of Shadow of Dreams second in open class and got Res CAC-QC and Quila Just for me O'the Little Lodge won best female and then went on to win BOB sheltie. I was so happy but she manage to surprise everyone by winning the BIS with only 11 months. I am over the moon with this fantastic result.
I would like to thank my dear and big friend Bianca from the Skeldale Kennel that helped me to bring Quila to Portugal and off course to her breeder Mayke, both from Holland.
Soon more pic available.


Laureate 5:23 da manhã  

Hi Rui,

Fantastic result...congratulations! Enjoy cloud nine!!!

Paula do Sameiro Alves 12:28 da tarde  

Bunny, this is wonderful!!

AnDrÉ 12:47 da tarde  

Fantástica, a exposição! também lá tive, mas fui embora mais cedo e não pude ver os shelties a concorrer...pena, mas não faz mal, só de os ter visto fiquei a ganhar o dia xD.

Anónimo 9:18 da tarde  

Hi there!
Congratulations with Quila's BEST IN SHOW!!!
Hope she will have many more successes for you, we're proud on what you are doing so far :-)

Castelo de Alfaia 1:17 da tarde  

Parabens Rui & Quila pelo extraordinario resultado alcançado.O que seria de um bom cão sem um bom handler e de um bom handler sem um bom cão...Team Work ;-)!!

Um Abraço


Juniores Handler's 5:29 da tarde  

Muitos Parabéns.
Só me lembro no meio do meu ringue grito GANHEI O BIS DA MONO DO BULLDOG INGLÊS.
DO outro ringue só ouço e eu GANHEI O BIS DOS COLIES....

e de seguida-....

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