Denyah Babies - 5 weeks
Here are some pictures of Denyah Babies. Today was a very active day for them.
They received a new collar for each one of them and in the morning the K9 division of the Lisbon Firedepartment came to test them. I am extremely pleased with the result all the puppies did super well :) this will help me to place each puppy in the best home possible :)
They received a new collar for each one of them and in the morning the K9 division of the Lisbon Firedepartment came to test them. I am extremely pleased with the result all the puppies did super well :) this will help me to place each puppy in the best home possible :)
Hi Rui ... would like to understand at bit more re: the 5wk k9 testing by the Fire Department. Something new to me as I've only know testing on D49.
Hi Maureen, this test is done at 5 weeks and then done again at 7 weeks. It is to help and find working dogs. But since they were here why not test the shelties ahahahaha !!!! I will post the test and the results when i get them.
All the best
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