terça-feira, outubro 27, 2009

The dark side

A few days ago I posted a comment on this same space regarding the presentation that was held after the Dutch Sheltie specialty 2009 about the standard of the shetland sheepdog.
I have never thought that such a post would cause so much fuss, but apparently where there is smoke there is fire.
In respect to my friends in Holland I took the post out because I do not want them to be involved in something that it is MY OPINION and has nothing to do with them, although I will not erase the comments made and the post itself in consideration to those who took the time to post.
Anyway I would like to say that when one does not want to be criticised, first should not held public conferences and second should not be the first to criticise.
I keep my opinion that the seminar was extremely tendentious and conducted to degrade the shelties bred in America. I am sure that the American breeders would be extremely offended to see the pic of their dogs used to say bad things about them.I would like everyone to think about that ....I would not give permition to use pic of my dogs for someone to do that, American breeders do ?!?!
Since I think my friend Marcella is better putting thoughts into words I would redirect you to her blog where she expresses exactly what I think about the never ending discussion about the "American shelties" - http://dawnville-shelties.blogspot.com/2009/10/everlasting-discussion.html


Laureate 11:59 da manhã  

Hi Rui,

I haven't been to one lecture in North America that would put up photos of British type vs American type and slander the other style. It is very bizarre and small minded in my opinion. I wonder if this breeder has ever seen our type of dog in the flesh; or if her judgement is made of photos.

How was the Specialty?

Cheers, Kim (from the dark side)

Constança 12:18 da tarde  

Meu caro,
não te digo que esterilizes antes a idosa senhora, porque o é, e porque a genética humana já o deve ter feito por curso normal das coisas...Graças a Deus!!! Que se trabalhe mundialmente para um estalão da raça partindo dos mesmissimos pressupostos, que se promova a criação consciente, selectiva e de qualidade acho bem, que se criem rótulos acho mal! Terias feito um bem à humanidade se lhe tivesses infligido um ataquezito cardíaco, ou um AVC que lhe pusesse a boca bem ao lado e a impedisse de dizer barbaridades.
Mas enfim, quem sou eu, não é?! Eu até só amo shetlands, tenho-os como minha raça favorita, quer venham da América, de França, Inglaterra, Espanha...ou até das Ilhas «Farenheit»...;)
Por isso, um conselho de uma amiga que gosta muito de ti, fica com a família, mas deixa de participar nesses «colóquios acéfalos»...lol

Ana Pires 2:21 da tarde  

Empuravas a velha ao descer as escadas e já estava.Porque criadores de passarinhos há muitos, obrigada.


Marcella 5:36 da tarde  

Hello my friend from the dark side :-)
I did not attend the lecture as you know but I am glad you did as we had so much fun afterwards.
Don't we just love the dark? hahaha!!
Every one of these lectures are all the same.
I don't like it when people try to force their thoughts upon others, I think there's been too many people in the past trying to do that ;-)

Just as much as they believe what they are doing is right we are entitled to have our own ideas and believe in that.
If that is a bad thing than I have to admit: I like being bad!!
Welcome to the dark side dear friend ;-))
Keeping fingers crossed for Qhila.
Love, Marcella

Cool Design Shelties 6:03 da tarde  

I'm 100% behind you :o) Although I'm new in the breed, I have already notices the lively discussion taking place in the sheltieenvironment – what’s the right type and what’s the wrong type?

If someone have selected the type someone can endure looking at every day - it's probably the right type! Nomatter what type the neighbour prefer!

In all breed there are different types and one of them aren't more correct then others!!

I'm old in the Collieenvironment and we have/have had the same discussions/debates about English and American dogs and some of those who hates American Collies can now see that the American bloodlines can/have given the breed some good things and we have some very beautiful collies mixed between English and American.

More and more people likes the American Collie....but it took many years to come to this point!!

So keep up the good work. I haven't read your comment you have deleted so I can't comment on this....but this comment here is my view on the right type vs. the wrong type!!

Who loves the American/Canadian Shelties :o)

I have a sister to SHELLOVE TAKE ME TO THE ROCKS....mine is Shellove Kisses On The Rocks.

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