sexta-feira, outubro 30, 2009
terça-feira, outubro 27, 2009
Dutch Clubmatch 2009

à(s) 8:04 da tarde 6 comments
The dark side
A few days ago I posted a comment on this same space regarding the presentation that was held after the Dutch Sheltie specialty 2009 about the standard of the shetland sheepdog.
I have never thought that such a post would cause so much fuss, but apparently where there is smoke there is fire.
In respect to my friends in Holland I took the post out because I do not want them to be involved in something that it is MY OPINION and has nothing to do with them, although I will not erase the comments made and the post itself in consideration to those who took the time to post.
Anyway I would like to say that when one does not want to be criticised, first should not held public conferences and second should not be the first to criticise.
I keep my opinion that the seminar was extremely tendentious and conducted to degrade the shelties bred in America. I am sure that the American breeders would be extremely offended to see the pic of their dogs used to say bad things about them.I would like everyone to think about that ....I would not give permition to use pic of my dogs for someone to do that, American breeders do ?!?!
Since I think my friend Marcella is better putting thoughts into words I would redirect you to her blog where she expresses exactly what I think about the never ending discussion about the "American shelties" -
à(s) 10:09 da manhã 5 comments
Qhila was mated !!!!
After the Dutch specialty Qhila was mated to Trevor. The mating was repeat on monday. Hopefully we will have puppies and i think they will be born at Christmas Day.
Trevor has a super caracter, very happy and at easy with everything. He competes in agility in the higest level - Agility 3
Here are some pic from Trevor. Soon i will upload more from the agility.

à(s) 9:59 da manhã 0 comments
quinta-feira, outubro 22, 2009
Qhila's X R results are here !!!!!!!
à(s) 4:37 da tarde 0 comments
terça-feira, outubro 20, 2009
Qhila is going to be mated

à(s) 11:01 da tarde 2 comments
Denyah is going to be mated :)
Denyah is in season. Friday i will go to Belgium and she will be mated to Enzo d'Eroudur. Let's see if this time she gets pregnant and we can finally have puppies from this long waited conbination

à(s) 10:13 da tarde 0 comments
domingo, outubro 18, 2009
terça-feira, outubro 13, 2009
Casa de Maio Podengos
I received this picture from a friend in the States from her podengo.
I love the pic and i had to post it :)
Her dogs can be seen at
à(s) 12:45 da tarde 0 comments
segunda-feira, outubro 12, 2009
Life is to be lived and enjoyed to the limit of our capacity.
We try to do so, having fun with our family, dogs and friends. As Isabela says "Papi i am always so tired on Monday after our weekends, but it is so fun ..."
I love my weekends and i must say i work the all week thinking about those 2 fantastic days that i will spend with all that i love.
This sunday we had a particularly busy day and on top of it all a nice surprise.
After the horse back riding lessons in the morning we went to have lunch by the beach at the Oeiras marina, it was such a great day, a friend of us showed up and invied us to go for a boat ride with him and off we went just before a birthday party we had to attend late in the afternoon.
Were in Europe can a someone go for a boat ride in October with lots of sun a great weather overviewing a wonderful city ???!!!! Lisbon of course. Since it was a surprise i did not had my camera with me so the pic were taken with the cell phone.
Enjoy :)
à(s) 10:59 da manhã 0 comments
sábado, outubro 10, 2009
Our First Degustation Menu

à(s) 11:14 da tarde 0 comments