The puppies are 3 weeks old!
Há 3 semanas
Dogs do not speak, but sure express themselfs clearly. When we go to Sintra i can tell that my dogs love it and so do i.
This is the first image we see when arriving at barragem da Mula
Off course that the first thing to do is .....
After the bath, time for a walk....
à(s) 5:20 da tarde
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What a great walk and such beautiful scenery. No wonder the dogs look happy!!!
What a great walk and so nice pictures :o)
Esta gente diz com cada coisa..enfim..ora bem, o passeio foi bonito sim senhora, e os shelties estão com um ar todo contente. Mas agora aquela coisa cheia de dentes de pelo áspero que está atrás dos patos era excusada entrar nas fotos..ainda estraga a maquina.
Lindo lindos tudo é lindo!
Muitos beijinhos
Hi There!
Looks like it runs in the family to get dirty ;-)
Quila looks like she has inherited something from her dad Howard and auntie Tinsel ;-))
Great place to walk, I wish we had something like that here than they could find me there every day.
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