quarta-feira, dezembro 29, 2010

Today we got this drawing from a 13 years old girl that felt in love by our dogs that she saw in our blog and webpage. She decide to be so kind and send it to us.
It is great job and made my day !!! Thank you Margarida Alexandre.
She has a blog that you can see @ http://canineartcom.blogspot.com/
I wish her all the best sucess and in 2011 we will fullfill one of her dreams that is to present a dog in a dog show. She will enter in the Junior competiton with one of our dogs !!!! Good luck for this new junior handler.
This things just make my day !!!!!!


Margarida Alexandre 2:36 da tarde  
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Margarida Alexandre 2:40 da tarde  

como tambem disse no meu blog aquele bracco italiano é o Niciddemo del tavullidaro por isso vou da-lo á Raquel.
É um dos melhores desenhos que ja fiz ate agora!!

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