One of my favourite time of the year is the Golegã horse festival. A festival dedicated to the horse and specially to the portuguese breed the Lusitano :)
As every year all the family went to spend some days at Golegã to ride horses, be with friends and have a lot of fun with the true portuguese spirit.
Henrique that as been going to Golegã since the year he was born is very anxious to start riding is own horse... Maybe next year :)
Henrique, me and Sete e Picos a Lusitano owned and breed by our friend Eng. Capela. It was our hourse during the festival that we took with us :)

We stayied with our friends from Quinta do Trevo (http://www.quintadotrevo.com/)
1 house; 13 people; 7 Dogs; 7 horses. Quinta do Trevo managed the transportation for Sete e Picos and took care of him while he was at the festival. A very very special thanks to Toninho and Andreia that were fantastic and took care of Isabela during the week while i was working !!!
Can't get more crazy then this !!!!!!!!!!!! Everytime is a good time to celebrate even inside the horse trailer :)

Isabela riding Sete e Picos talking to Rui one of our friends :) it was the first time that Isabela was at golegã with a horse just for her. It was a surprise for her and an experience that i am sure she will repeat year after year :):)

Our friends Rui and Toninho

My princess, hopefully next year she will also have her traditional riding outfit

Isabela with Fábio that was for the first time at Golegã with his horse.

Andreia riding Galantus D a frisian horse gave Paula a lift :)

Paula's parents went to visit us and see the gradchildren riding. My sexy mother in law :)

My precisous darling :)

Our friends the Colaço family went to visit us and Raquel got the chance to ride Isabela's horse. That is what friends are for , right ? :)

Ohhhhh a must in Golegã, the Ginginha a tipical drink served in a chocolate cup that you eat after drinking the ginginha !!!!!

One of the main activities in Golegã, apart from riding horses, drinking ginginhas and abafadinhos is eating, lunch ussualy takes 2 hours it is time to eat and have fun :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The portuguese version ahahahahaha

Our Ginginha friend :)

My dear friend Francisco that is always available to help and lend his fantastic horses

Faísca the Quinta do Trevo dog trying to go for a ride :)

Biscoito a 3 year old lusitano breed by Eng Capela and owned by Nuno

Me and Biscoito. Denyah and Quila were waiting for the ride :)

SEXY !!!!!! Fabio and Nuno . I think Isabela is safe with them ahahahahahahahah

Nuno taking care of his biscoito

Sete e Picos resting

Andreia with Monica, a rescue spanish hound with her fantastic outfit. I am going to have one made for Shangri-La

Shangri-La and her friend Emilia took our Monica's food and decided to eat until they drop ahahahahahah

After eating their own food :)

It is just to tré chic !!!!!!

My parents went to visit and enjoy a little of Golegã horse festival :) They offered me my traditional outfit when i was 18 years old :) Since then i have been going to Golegã every year !!!!

Isabela and her personal assistants AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

THE lusitano horse. A Ortigão stalion. One day , one day ...........