terça-feira, setembro 29, 2009
segunda-feira, setembro 28, 2009
My EMMA !!!!!!
When i was in Canada Kim & Pete were the best friends and let me handle Emma at a show. Well since then i consider her a little mine also, so it was with great hapiness that i was told by Kim that my baby finished her Canadian championship. CONGRATULATIONS EMMA, KIM & PETE.
Here is a pic from Emma when i showed her and another at the show that i took from the Laureate website.
à(s) 10:17 da tarde 0 comments
Exposição Canina Nacional do Alto Alentejo
The past weekend was the National Alto Alentejo show, a small show in the south if Lisbon.
This year i offered my help to make it a small but very special show. Chupa Chups and Mentos sponsered the show and i organized the show ring, the podium and for the first time in Portugal a set for pic of the BOB and Best Puppy of Breed.
Every dog that won the BOB and BPOB could go to the podium and get it's pic taken for free and the pic was immediatly downloaded on the show blog that i created at www.expodoaltoalentejo.blogspot.com
Everyone loved the idea of having the pic online on the spot.
The same think happened for the group. After the judgement of one group was over and the podium pic taken i immediatly post the pic on the blog before the next group.
it was a hard work but i was so happy with the result.
Hope you all enjoy the pic from the show at the blog:
A few pic:
à(s) 8:50 da tarde 1 comments
Beau, our friend from Canada :)
We receive a fantastic news from the Martin family from Canada. Their dog Beau was in a "fun" pet show at the Annual Uxbridge Fall Fair and he did very well for his first time!
In the four catagories that he was entered he received ribbons in all! He got 3rd for Best Trick, 2nd for longest nose (missed it by .2 inches!), 1st for longest tail and 1st for Best Trained!! He would have done better on his trick if he hadn't stopped to sniff Lola, the Burmese beauty's butt, in the middle of his performance! But he did return to complete his trick! There range 6 to 10 dogs in each catagory :)
I am very happy with this news. Beau came from the Winjammer Kennel in the USA and can not be shown in conformation because he has too much white. When i was in Canada i gave him a "professional" treatment and he finally started to look like a laeken ihihih.
With this win i a am sure that Ray is more proud of his crazy dog :)
à(s) 8:42 da tarde 0 comments
segunda-feira, setembro 21, 2009
Quila, BOS & Gibraltar Champion
This weekend it was the Gibraltar dog show. I was helping at the show, so Quila was handle by my dear friend Raquel.
It was a fantastic felling to see Quila winning with such strong competition !!!
Well done Raquel, the super handler!!!!!!, & Quila.

à(s) 8:33 da manhã 1 comments