terça-feira, abril 28, 2009

Margarida by Isabel Pecante

sexta-feira, abril 24, 2009

And Laureate Rules AGAIN !!!!!

I have been following Kim and Pete adventure at the ASSA National 2009.
After the winning at the 12-18 Month Bitches class winning with Laureate Jivara , she did it again winning the 12-18 Month Sable & White Bitches to days after and today i saw two other Laureate winners:
Laureate PaRay Per Se won the Open Blue Bitch Class with 22 entries & CH Laureate Louisiana won the Veteran 12+ Years Bitches class.

Well done Kim, Pete and the Laureate's :)

Laureate PaRay Per Se
CH Laureate Louisiana

terça-feira, abril 21, 2009

Quila by Paulinho

Paulinho took this nice pic from Quila.
Thank you !!!!!

I do not have a Laureate but i have Miguel !!!!!!!

This post is dedicate to my dearst friend Miguel.
He is absolutly fantastic. A big friend and a spetacular grommer :)

It is like i say, i do not have a Laureate but i have Miguel :)

What i like the most about Miguel is that he is funny, honest and always ready to help his friends. Apart from this he has a gift. Whatever he decides to breed is most certainly becomming a sucess and the top of the top.


And off course Ilson , THE EXPERT, went to check if he was doing it right. Thank you for all my dear friends.

And off course training Quila

So that i have a chance at the ring AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!

segunda-feira, abril 20, 2009

Laureate Rules

During this week it is taking place the 2009 American shetland sheepdog association Specialty.
Our dear friend Kim went with the Laeureate's and the first win is on the bag !!!!!!!!

Laureate Jivara won the 12-18 Month Bitches class.
Iuupppiii Kim & Pete. I will continue to look to see the other results :)

sexta-feira, abril 10, 2009

Memories !! the firsts !!

My First sheltie and my first laekenois

My first tervueren & Henrique first time in the agility course

Henrique first time at Golegã riding a horse

Isabela first riding lessons

It is a fantastic live with great memories :)

quinta-feira, abril 09, 2009


Nice and warm, hummmm !!!!!

I just love to cook Cookies and then eat them with milk :)

terça-feira, abril 07, 2009

Quila & Salvador

While we were at the Fundão show Paulinho took some nice pic from Salvador a maxi sheltie and Quila the mini collie. Ahahahahah

Salvador is owned by my dear friend Ilson from Razart kennel. A great friend and an expert in Collies.

I take this oportunity to thank Paulinho for the pic, that i am sure i will receive and to Miguel my dear dear friend always ready to help, teach and speak the truth no matter what. This man has golden hands and can turn any dog into a show start. Thank you for all the help. Well now i must say Ilson has more to thank for than i do AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!
What a team we are :)
Here are some more pic from Salvador. Quila's will follow when i receive them :)


I was invited to give an interview to the Sintra radio station http://www.radioclubedesintra.com/ to speak about my laekenois. It was very interesting to be able to speak about my passion.
On my way home there were 3 little ducks on the road. I immediatly stoped but the idiot next to me didn't and well 2 little one's were smashed by his car.
Fortunatly i was able to save one. So i arrived home with Thomas :):)
Luckly we always have a special cage or whatever for this surprises. So Thomas is now installed on our living room with two very very interested cats looking at him .

quinta-feira, abril 02, 2009

It is so very true, in English soon :)

A Bunny pediu para eu publicar este pensamento...... no comments........

Só quando os homens chegam a uma certa idade é que podem dizer com certeza que as mulheres são melhores do que eles em tudo - mesmo na bola, a carregar pianos, a lutar com jacarés ou nas outras coisas em que ganhávamos quando éramos mais novos e brutos e fortes.
Quando se é adolescente, desconfia-se que elas são melhores. Nos vintes, fica-se com a certeza. Nos trintas, aprende-se a disfarçar. Nos quarentas, ganha-se juízo e desiste-se. Nos cinquentas, começa-se a dar graças a Deus que seja assim. Os homens que discordam são os que não foram capazes de aprender com as mulheres (por exemplo, a serem homenzinhos), por medo ou vaidade ou estupidez. Geralmente as três coisas.
Desde pequenino, habituei-me que havia sempre pelo menos uma mulher melhor do que eu. Começou logo com a minha linda e maravilhosa mãe, cuja superioridade - que condescendia, por amor, em esconder de vez em quando - tem vindo a revelar-se cada vez mais. As mulheres são melhores e estão fartas de sabê-lo. Mas, como os gatos, sabem que ganham em esconder a superioridade. Os desgraçados dos cães, tal como os homens, são tão inseguros e sedentos de aprovação que se deixam treinar. Resultado: fartam-se de trabalhar e de fazer figuras tristes, nas casas e nas caças e nos circos. Os gatos, sendo muito mais inteligentes, acrobatas e jeitosos, sabem muito bem que o exibicionismo vão leva à escravatura vil.
Isto não é conversa de engate. É até um tira-tesões. Mas é a verdade.
E é bonita.
M.Esteves Cardoso

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